To use version agnostic URLs for Webjars, add the webjars-locator-core dependency.Then declare your Webjar.Using jQuery as an example, adding "/webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js" results in "/webjars/jquery/x.y.z/jquery.min.js" where x.y.z is the Webjar version.
Martin- this is just so UBERKOOL ! This is def THEE best ajax/jquery cart I have seen - I had seen one which I thought was nicely built- but this ? This is like so Buck Rogers man, it def belongs in the future ! This totally ROX !Awesome :)
jQuery for Total Noobs Vol. 1: 6 Adding JavaScript
So,1) in the head of the "demo" file make sure you include the jquery plugin2) crack open the script.js file. Go to line 152 and right below put this statement: $('#total').formatCurrency();Should be good to go after that. Here's what my update_total() looks like: 2ff7e9595c